Carol Camlin, PhD, MPH

Principal Investigator
University of California
San Francisco

Dr. Camlin is a behavioral scientist and social demographer in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Medicine Center for AIDS Prevention Studies. Her research has focused on the study of complex and dynamic forms of human mobility in sub-Saharan Africa, and links between gender, mobility and HIV. A second area of focus is on applying behavioral and social theory and using qualitative research methods to design and culturally adapt Health interventions, and to understand the pathways of intervention action in implementation science research studies and clinical trials. 

She is committed to strong mentorship of trainees from diverse backgrounds, including emerging African scientists. In her research practice, she pursues an equity-focused model of cross-regional and participatory capacity-building, promoting opportunities for research team members to not only collect data, but be engaged in the analysis, interpretation, and production of scientific knowledge.


The Effect of a Life-Stage Based Intervention on Depression in Youth Living with HIV in Kenya and Uganda: Results from the SEARCH-Youth Trial.

Tropical medicine and infectious disease

Mwangwa F, Johnson-Peretz J, Peng J, Balzer LB, Litunya J, Nakigudde J, Black D, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Onyango A, Atwine F, Arunga TO, Ayieko J, Kamya MR, Havlir D, Camlin CS, Ruel T

The effect of a social network-based intervention on adherence to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and HIV viral suppression among Kenyan fishermen.

AIDS (London, England)

Sheira LA, Kwena ZA, Ayieko B, Charlebois ED, Agot K, Gutin SA, Lewis-Kulzer J, Olugo P, Gandhi M, Bukusi EA, Thirumurthy H, Adede D, Moody J, Camlin CS

Community Perspectives on Optimizing Community Health Volunteer Roles for HIV Prevention Services in Kenya and Uganda.

AIDS patient care and STDs

Akatukwasa C, Johnson-Peretz J, Atwine F, Arunga TMO, Onyango A, Owino L, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Chamie G, Kakande E, Kabami J, Havlir D, Ayieko J, Camlin CS

Training Social Network-Central Fishermen in Western Kenya to Distribute HIV Self-Test Kits and Health Facility Referral Vouchers.

African journal of AIDS research : AJAR

Okore JO, Camlin CS, Lewis-Kulzer J, Gutin SA, Charlebois E, Ayieko B, Kwena Z, Agot K

"There is no need to leave the beach to test": A qualitative study of HIV self-testing knowledge and acceptability of HIV self-test kit distribution among social networks of fishermen in western Kenya.

Research square

Lewis-Kulzer J, Olugo P, Gutin SA, Kwena ZA, Nishimura H, Thorp M, Agot K, Ayieko B, Bukusi EA, Oluoch L, Angawa D, Thirumurthy H, Camlin CS

Five lessons from a mid-level health manager intervention to increase uptake of tuberculosis prevention therapy in Uganda: 'it is a completely different thing to implement what you know.'

Global health action

Johnson-Peretz J, Christian C, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Kakande E, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Camlin CS, Chamie G

Jitegemee (rely on yourself): a multi-phase process of co-creating a personal savings intervention with female sex workers in western Kenya to reduce their HIV risk.

BMC public health

Agot K, Onyango J, Ochillo M, Okello TO, Carol S, Odwar T, Moraa J, Otticha S, Odeny R, Okeyo N, Ochieng L, Ochieng G, Wango I, Koloo A, Badia J, Camlin CS, Ayieko B, Napierala S, Thirumurthy H

Provider perceptions of young people living with HIV and unhealthy alcohol use in Southwestern Uganda: a qualitative study.

Addiction science & clinical practice

Odokonyero RF, Nakasujja N, Turiho A, Sanyu N, Muyindike WR, Nansera D, Semitala F, Kamya MR, Katahoire AR, Hahn JA, Camlin CC, Muhwezi WW

Client experiences with "Dynamic Choice Prevention," a model for flexible patient-centred HIV prevention delivery in rural Eastern Africa.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Camlin CS, Arunga T, Johnson-Peretz J, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Onyango A, Owino L, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Chamie G, Kakande E, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Havlir DV, Ayieko J

Illness Narratives Without the Illness: Biomedical HIV Prevention Narratives from East Africa.

The Journal of medical humanities

Johnson-Peretz J, Atwine F, Kamya MR, Ayieko J, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

The effect of an intervention to promote isoniazid preventive therapy on leadership and management abilities.

Public health action

Christian C, Kakande E, Nahurira V, Balzer LB, Owaraganise A, Nugent JR, DiIeso W, Rast D, Kabami J, Peretz JJ, Camlin CS, Shade SB, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G

Effectiveness of a mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention for improving the mental health of adolescents with HIV in Uganda: An open-label trial.

PloS one

Musanje K, Kasujja R, Camlin CS, Hooper N, Hope-Bell J, Sinclair DL, Kibanja GM, Mpirirwe R, Kalyango JN, Kamya MR

Exploring HIV risk perception mechanisms among youth in a test-and-treat trial in Kenya and Uganda.

PLOS Global Public Health

Owino L, Johnson-Peretz J, Lee J, Getahun M, Coppock-Pector D, Maeri I, Onyango A, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kabami J, Ayieko J, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Charlebois E, Havlir D, Camlin CS

Participant perspectives on incentives for TB preventative therapy adherence and reduced alcohol use: A qualitative study.

PLOS Global Public Health

Appa A, Miller AP, Fatch R, Kekibiina A, Beesiga B, Adong J, Emenyonu N, Marson K, Getahun M, Kamya M, Muyindike W, McDonell M, Thirumurthy H, Hahn JA, Chamie G, Camlin CS

Mid-level managers' perspectives on implementing isoniazid preventive therapy for people living with HIV in Ugandan health districts: a qualitative study.

BMC health services research

Christian C, Kakande E, Nahurira V, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Bakanoma R, Itiakorit H, Owaraganise A, DiIeso W, Rast D, Kabami J, Peretz JJ, Shade SB, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G, Camlin CS

Remote and Equitable Inductive Analysis for Global Health Teams: Using Digital Tools to Foster Equity and Collaboration in Qualitative Global Health Research via the R-EIGHT Method.

International Journal of Qualitative Methods

Johnson-Peretz J, Arunga TO, Lee J, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Onyango A, Owino L, Camlin CS

Experiences and perceptions of conditional cash incentive provision and cessation among people with HIV for care engagement: A qualitative study.

Research square

Giordano J, Lewis-Kulzer J, Montoya L, Akama E, Adhiambo HF, Nyadieka E, Iguna S, Bukusi EA, Odeny T, Camlin CS, Thirumurthy H, Petersen M, Geng EH

A Qualitative Exploration of Intimate Partner Violence Among HIV/TB Coinfected Persons With Problematic Alcohol Use Participating in an Incentive-Based Alcohol/Medication Adherence Intervention in Uganda During COVID-19.

Violence against women

Miller AP, Appa A, Muyindike W, Fatch R, Kekibiina A, Beesiga B, Adong J, Emenyonu N, Marson K, Getahun M, Kamya M, Chamie G, Camlin CS, Hahn JA

Peripartum mobility and maternal/child separation among women living with HIV in South Africa.

AIDS care

Clouse K, Noholoza S, Madwayi S, Mrubata M, Robbins NN, Camlin CS, Myer L, Phillips TK

Clinical Implications of HIV Treatment and Prevention for Polygamous Families in Kenya and Uganda: "My Co-Wife Is the One Who Used to Encourage Me".

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care

Johnson-Peretz J, Onyango A, Gutin SA, Balzer L, Akatukwasa C, Owino L, Arunga TMO, Atwine F, Petersen M, Kamya M, Ayieko J, Ruel T, Havlir D, Camlin CS

The Effect of a Group-Based Mindfulness and Acceptance Training on Psychological Flexibility and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Adolescents in Uganda: An Open-Label Randomized Trial.

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care

Musanje K, Kamya MR, Kasujja R, Vanderplasschen W, Sinclair DL, Baluku MM, Odokonyero RF, Namisi CP, Mukisa J, White RG, Camlin CS

The Relationship between Age at Initiation of Regular Drinking of Alcohol and Viral Suppression Status, and Depression Symptoms Among People Living with HIV in South-Western Uganda.

AIDS and behavior

Odokonyero RF, Fatch R, Emenyonu NI, Cheng DM, Ngabirano C, Adong J, Muyindike WR, Nakasujja N, Camlin CS, Kamya M, Hahn JA

Randomized Trial of a "Dynamic Choice" Patient-Centered Care Intervention for Mobile Persons With HIV in East Africa.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Ayieko J, Balzer LB, Inviolata C, Kakande E, Opel F, Wafula EM, Kabami J, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Nakato H, Bukusi EA, Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Bacon MC, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G, SEARCH Study Team

Improving care engagement for mobile people living with HIV in rural western Kenya.

PloS one

Ayieko J, Charlebois ED, Maeri I, Owino L, Thorp M, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Geographic Mobility and HIV Care Engagement among People Living with HIV in Rural Kenya and Uganda.

Tropical medicine and infectious disease

Ayieko J, Thorp M, Getahun M, Gandhi M, Maeri I, Gutin SA, Okiring J, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Camlin CS, Murnane PM

Geographical, social, and political contexts of tuberculosis control and intervention, as reported by mid-level health managers in Uganda: 'The activity around town'.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Johnson-Peretz J, Chamie G, Kakande E, Christian C, Kamya MR, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Understanding Patients' Experiences with a Brief Alcohol Reduction Intervention among People Living with HIV in Uganda: A Qualitative Study.

Substance use & misuse

Gichane MW, Camlin CS, Getahun M, Emenyonu N, Woolf-King S, Sanyu N, Katusiime A, Fatch R, Muyindike W, Hahn JA

A multilevel health system intervention for virological suppression in adolescents and young adults living with HIV in rural Kenya and Uganda (SEARCH-Youth): a cluster randomised trial.

The lancet. HIV

Ruel T, Mwangwa F, Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Nyabuti M, Mugoma WE, Kabami J, Kamugisha B, Black D, Nzarubara B, Opel F, Schrom J, Agengo G, Nakigudde J, Atuhaire HN, Schwab J, Peng J, Camlin C, Shade SB, Bukusi E, Kapogiannis BG, Charlebois E, Kamya MR, Havlir D

Acceptability of an adapted mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention to support adolescents with HIV: A qualitative study with Ugandan health care providers.

Journal of contextual behavioral science

Musanje K, Kamya MR, Kasujja R, Hooper N, Katahoire AR, White RG, Kimera E, Getahun M, Sinclair DL, Ojiambo D, Camlin CS

Uptake of a patient-centred dynamic choice model for HIV prevention in rural Kenya and Uganda: SEARCH SAPPHIRE study.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Kabami J, Kakande E, Chamie G, Balzer LB, Petersen ML, Camlin CS, Nyabuti M, Koss CA, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Ayieko J

Smartphone Ownership and Usage Among Pregnant Women Living With HIV in South Africa: Secondary Analysis of CareConekta Trial Data.

JMIR formative research

Noholoza S, Phillips TK, Madwayi S, Mrubata M, Camlin CS, Myer L, Clouse K

The Implementation of a GPS-Based Location-Tracking Smartphone App in South Africa to Improve Engagement in HIV Care: Randomized Controlled Trial.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth

Clouse K, Noholoza S, Madwayi S, Mrubata M, Camlin CS, Myer L, Phillips TK

Sex specific differences in HIV status disclosure and care engagement among people living with HIV in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda.

PLOS Global Public Health

Okorie CN, Gutin SA, Getahun M, Lebu SA, Okiring J, Neilands TB, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

Adaptive Strategies for Retention in Care among Persons Living with HIV.

NEJM Evidence

Geng EH, Odeny TA, Montoya LM, Iguna S, Kulzer JL, Adhiambo HF, Eshun-Wilson I, Akama E, Nyandieka E, Guzé MA, Shade S, Packel L, Fox B, Camlin C, Thirumurthy H, Lyons C, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML

Culturally adapting a mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention to support the mental health of adolescents on antiretroviral therapy in Uganda.

PLOS Global Public Health

Musanje K, Camlin CS, Kamya MR, Vanderplasschen W, Louise Sinclair D, Getahun M, Kirabo H, Nangendo J, Kiweewa J, White RG, Kasujja R

Mobility and HIV care engagement: a research agenda.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Thorp M, Ayieko J, Hoffman RM, Balakasi K, Camlin CS, Dovel K

Effect of two counseling interventions on self-reported alcohol consumption, alcohol biomarker phosphatidylethanol (PEth), and viral suppression among persons living with HIV (PWH) with unhealthy alcohol use in Uganda: A randomized controlled trial.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Hahn JA, Fatch R, Emenyonu NI, Sanyu N, Katusiime A, Levine B, John Boscardin W, Chander G, Hutton H, Camlin CS, Woolf-King SE, Muyindike WR

A savings intervention to reduce men's engagement in HIV risk behaviors: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.


Egbe TI, Omollo OD, Wesonga JO, Bair EF, Chakrabarti A, Putt ME, Celum CL, Camlin CS, Napierala S, Agot K, Thirumurthy H

Cohort profile: CareConekta: a pilot study of a smartphone application to improve engagement in postpartum HIV care in South Africa.

BMJ open

Clouse K, Noholoza S, Ngcobo N, Madwayi S, Mrubata M, Camlin CS, Myer L, Phillips TK

Mobility is Associated with Higher-risk Sexual Partnerships Among Both Men and Women in Co-resident Couples in Rural Kenya and Uganda: A Longitudinal Cohort Study.

AIDS and behavior

Gutin SA, Neilands TB, Charlebois ED, Getahun M, Okiring J, Akullian A, Maeri I, Eyul P, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Camlin CS

Nothing about us without us: Community-based participatory research to improve HIV care for mobile patients in Kenya and Uganda.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Maeri I, Eyul P, Getahun M, Hatchett K, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Itiakorit H, Gutin SA, Johnson-Peretz J, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

Providers' Attitudes and Experiences with Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Implementation in a Population-Based Study in Kenya and Uganda.

AIDS patient care and STDs

Camlin CS, Getahun M, Koss CA, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Itiakorit H, Onyango A, Bakanoma R, Atwine F, Maeri I, Ayieko J, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Sang N, Kabami J, Kaplan RL, Chamie G, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED

The role of informational support from women's social networks on antenatal care initiation: qualitative evidence from pregnant women in Uganda.

BMC pregnancy and childbirth

Comfort AB, El Ayadi AM, Camlin CS, Tsai AC, Nalubwama H, Byamugisha J, Walker DM, Moody J, Roberts T, Senoga U, Krezanoski PJ, Harper CC

Condom, modern contraceptive, and dual method use are associated with HIV status and relationship concurrency in a context of high mobility: A cross-sectional study of women of reproductive age in rural Kenya and Uganda, 2016.


Lee JK, Gutin SA, Getahun M, Okiring J, Neilands TB, Akullian A, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

A mid-level health manager intervention to promote uptake of isoniazid preventive therapy among people with HIV in Uganda: a cluster randomised trial.

The lancet. HIV

Kakande E, Christian C, Balzer LB, Owaraganise A, Nugent JR, DiIeso W, Rast D, Kabami J, Johnson Peretz J, Camlin CS, Shade SB, Geng EH, Kwarisiima D, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G

"I was still very young": agency, stigma and HIV care strategies at school, baseline results of a qualitative study among youth in rural Kenya and Uganda.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Johnson-Peretz J, Lebu S, Akatukwasa C, Getahun M, Ruel T, Lee J, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owino L, Onyango A, Maeri I, Atwine F, Charlebois ED, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Understanding the role of incentives for achieving and sustaining viral suppression: A qualitative sub-study of a financial incentives trial in Uganda.

PloS one

Camlin CS, Marson K, Ndyabakira A, Getahun M, Emperador D, Byamukama A, Kwarisiima D, Thirumurthy H, Chamie G

A qualitative study of the acceptability of remote electronic bednet use monitoring in Uganda.

BMC public health

Alexander SM, Agaba A, Campbell JI, Nambogo N, Camlin CS, Johnson M, Dorsey G, Olson KR, Bangsberg DR, Carroll RW, Santorino D, Krezanoski PJ

Sexual partnership concurrency and age disparities associated with sexually transmitted infection (STI) and risk behavior in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda.

International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Okiring J, Getahun M, Gutin SA, Lebu S, Lee J, Maeri I, Eyul P, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Neilands TB, Ssali S, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

Distinct forms of migration and mobility are differentially associated with HIV treatment adherence.

AIDS (London, England)

Murnane PM, Gandhi M, Bacchetti P, Getahun M, Gutin SA, Okochi H, Maeri I, Eyul P, Omoding D, Okiring J, Tallerico R, Louie A, Akullian A, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS

Attitudes towards and experiences with economic incentives for engagement in HIV care and treatment: Qualitative insights from a randomized trial in Kenya.

PLOS Global Public Health

Iguna S, Getahun M, Lewis-Kulzer J, Odhiambo G, Adhiambo F, Montoya L, Petersen ML, Bukusi E, Odeny T, Geng E, Camlin CS

Attitudes towards and experiences with economic incentives for engagement in HIV care and treatment: Qualitative insights from a randomized trial in Kenya.

PLOS Global Public Health

Sarah Iguna, Monica Getahun, Jayne Lewis-Kulzer, Gladys Odhiambo, Fridah Adhiambo, Lina Montoya, Maya L. Petersen, Elizabeth Bukusi, Thomas Odeny, Elvin Geng, Carol S. Camlin

Effect of a patient-centered hypertension delivery strategy on all-cause mortality: Secondary analysis of SEARCH, a community-randomized trial in rural Kenya and Uganda.

PLoS medicine

Hickey MD, Ayieko J, Owaraganise A, Sim N, Balzer LB, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Opel FJ, Wafula E, Nyabuti M, Brown L, Chamie G, Jain V, Peng J, Kwarisiima D, Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV

The Drinkers' Intervention to Prevent Tuberculosis (DIPT) trial among heavy drinkers living with HIV in Uganda: study protocol of a 2×2 factorial trial.


Lodi S, Emenyonu NI, Marson K, Kwarisiima D, Fatch R, McDonell MG, Cheng DM, Thirumurthy H, Gandhi M, Camlin CS, Muyindike WR, Hahn JA, Chamie G

Dimensions of HIV-related stigma in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda at the start of a large HIV 'test and treat' trial.

PloS one

Akatukwasa C, Getahun M, El Ayadi AM, Namanya J, Maeri I, Itiakorit H, Owino L, Sanyu N, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Sang N, Kwarisiima D, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Chamie G, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Financial incentives and deposit contracts to promote HIV retesting in Uganda: A randomized trial.

PLoS medicine

Chamie G, Kwarisiima D, Ndyabakira A, Marson K, Camlin CS, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Thirumurthy H

Cultural Adaptation of an Intervention to Reduce Hazardous Alcohol Use Among People Living with HIV in Southwestern Uganda.

AIDS and behavior

Leddy AM, Hahn JA, Getahun M, Emenyonu NI, Woolf-King SE, Sanyu N, Katusiime A, Fatch R, Chander G, Hutton HE, Muyindike WR, Camlin CS

HIV incidence after pre-exposure prophylaxis initiation among women and men at elevated HIV risk: A population-based study in rural Kenya and Uganda.

PLoS medicine

Koss CA, Havlir DV, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Chamie G, Atukunda M, Mwinike Y, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Peng J, Olilo W, Snyman K, Awuonda B, Clark TD, Black D, Nugent J, Brown LB, Marquez C, Okochi H, Zhang K, Camlin CS, Jain V, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Balzer LB

Characteristics of HIV seroconverters in the setting of universal test and treat: Results from the SEARCH trial in rural Uganda and Kenya.

PloS one

Nyabuti MN, Petersen ML, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Mwangwa F, Kabami J, Sang N, Charlebois ED, Balzer LB, Schwab JD, Camlin CS, Black D, Clark TD, Chamie G, Havlir DV, Ayieko J

Provider and Patient Perspectives of Rapid ART Initiation and Streamlined HIV Care: Qualitative Insights From Eastern African Communities.

Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care

Mwangwa F, Getahun M, Itiakorit H, Jain V, Ayieko J, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Maeri I, Koss CA, Chamie G, Clark TD, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Improved Viral Suppression With Streamlined Care in the SEARCH Study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Hickey MD, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Opel FJ, Owaraganise A, Balzer LB, Chamie G, Jain V, Peng J, Camlin C, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV

Machine Learning to Identify Persons at High-Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Acquisition in Rural Kenya and Uganda.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Balzer LB, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Chamie G, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Koss CA, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Sang N, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Jain V, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Van Der Laan M, Petersen ML

Pathways for reduction of HIV-related stigma: a model derived from longitudinal qualitative research in Kenya and Uganda.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Getahun M, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Itiakorit H, Bakanoma R, Maeri I, Owino L, Onyango A, Chamie G, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Sang N, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, V Havlir D

HIV retesting and risk behaviors among high-risk, HIV-uninfected adults in Uganda.

AIDS care

Marson K, Ndyabakira A, Kwarisiima D, Camlin CS, Kamya MR, Havlir D, Thirumurthy H, Chamie G

Understanding Demand for PrEP and Early Experiences of PrEP Use Among Young Adults in Rural Kenya and Uganda: A Qualitative Study.

AIDS and behavior

Camlin CS, Koss CA, Getahun M, Owino L, Itiakorit H, Akatukwasa C, Maeri I, Bakanoma R, Onyango A, Atwine F, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Mwangwa F, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV

CareConekta: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a mobile health intervention to improve engagement in postpartum HIV care in South Africa.


Clouse K, Phillips TK, Camlin C, Noholoza S, Mogoba P, Naidoo J, Langford R, Weiss M, Seebregts CJ, Myer L

Uptake, engagement, and adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis offered after population HIV testing in rural Kenya and Uganda: 72-week interim analysis of observational data from the SEARCH study.

The lancet. HIV

Koss CA, Charlebois ED, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Atukunda M, Mwangwa F, Peng J, Mwinike Y, Owaraganise A, Chamie G, Jain V, Sang N, Olilo W, Brown LB, Marquez C, Zhang K, Ruel TD, Camlin CS, Rooney JF, Black D, Clark TD, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, SEARCH Collaboration

The Influence of Social Networks on Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Among HIV-Infected Antiretroviral Therapy-Naive Youth in Rural Kenya and Uganda.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Brown LB, Balzer LB, Kabami J, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Ayieko J, Chen Y, Chamie G, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi E, Kamya MR, Moody J, Havlir DV, Petersen ML

Leveraging incentives to increase HIV testing uptake among men: qualitative insights from rural Uganda.

BMC public health

Ndyabakira A, Getahun M, Byamukama A, Emperador D, Kabageni S, Marson K, Kwarisiima D, Chamie G, Thirumurthy H, Havlir D, Kamya MR, Camlin CS

HIV Testing and Treatment with the Use of a Community Health Approach in Rural Africa.

The New England journal of medicine

Havlir DV, Balzer LB, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Sang N, Liegler T, Chamie G, Camlin CS, Jain V, Kadede K, Atukunda M, Ruel T, Shade SB, Ssemmondo E, Byonanebye DM, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Olilo W, Black D, Snyman K, Burger R, Getahun M, Achando J, Awuonda B, Nakato H, Kironde J, Okiror S, Thirumurthy H, Koss C, Brown L, Marquez C, Schwab J, Lavoy G, Plenty A, Mugoma Wafula E, Omanya P, Chen YH, Rooney JF, Bacon M, van der Laan M, Cohen CR, Bukusi E, Kamya MR, Petersen M

Gendered dimensions of population mobility associated with HIV across three epidemics in rural Eastern Africa.

Health & place

Camlin CS, Akullian A, Neilands TB, Getahun M, Bershteyn A, Ssali S, Geng E, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED

Factors predictive of successful retention in care among HIV-infected men in a universal test-and-treat setting in Uganda and Kenya: A mixed methods analysis.

PloS one

Brown LB, Getahun M, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Owaraganise A, Atukunda M, Olilo W, Clark T, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Early Adopters of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Preexposure Prophylaxis in a Population-based Combination Prevention Study in Rural Kenya and Uganda.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Koss CA, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Balzer LB, Plenty A, Sang N, Kabami J, Ruel TD, Black D, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Clark TD, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, SEARCH Collaboration

"Hurdles on the path to 90-90-90 and beyond": Qualitative analysis of barriers to engagement in HIV care among individuals in rural East Africa in the context of test-and-treat.

PloS one

Ayieko J, Brown L, Anthierens S, Van Rie A, Getahun M, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Clark TD, Kamya MR, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Havlir DV, Camlin CS

Comparative effectiveness of novel nonmonetary incentives to promote HIV testing.

AIDS (London, England)

Chamie G, Schaffer EM, Ndyabakira A, Emperador DM, Kwarisiima D, Camlin CS, Havlir DV, Kahn JG, Kamya MR, Thirumurthy H

Bringing population mobility into focus to achieve HIV prevention goals.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Camlin CS, Cassels S, Seeley J

One step ahead: timing and sexual networks in population mobility and HIV prevention and care.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Cassels S, Camlin CS, Seeley J

Population mobility associated with higher risk sexual behaviour in eastern African communities participating in a Universal Testing and Treatment trial.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Camlin CS, Akullian A, Neilands TB, Getahun M, Eyul P, Maeri I, Ssali S, Geng E, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Odeny T, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED

Methods for sampling geographically mobile female traders in an East African market setting.

PloS one

Leidich A, Achiro L, Kwena ZA, McFarland W, Neilands TB, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Camlin CS

Redemption of the "spoiled identity:" the role of HIV-positive individuals in HIV care cascade interventions.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Geng E, Semitala F, Wallenta J, Getahun M, Kampiire L, Bukusi EA, Sang N, Kwarisiima D, Clark TD, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV

Understanding uptake of an intervention to accelerate antiretroviral therapy initiation in Uganda via qualitative inquiry.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Semitala FC, Camlin CS, Wallenta J, Kampiire L, Katuramu R, Amanyire G, Namusobya J, Chang W, Kahn JG, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Geng EH

The missing 27.

AIDS (London, England)

Akullian A, Bershteyn A, Jewell B, Camlin CS

High Mobility and HIV Prevalence Among Female Market Traders in East Africa in 2014.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Camlin CS, El Ayadi AM, Kwena ZA, McFarland W, Johnson MO, Neilands TB, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR

Effects of a multicomponent intervention to streamline initiation of antiretroviral therapy in Africa: a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial.

The lancet. HIV

Amanyire G, Semitala FC, Namusobya J, Katuramu R, Kampiire L, Wallenta J, Charlebois E, Camlin C, Kahn J, Chang W, Glidden D, Kamya M, Havlir D, Geng E

Strengthening universal HIV 'test-and-treat' approaches with social science research.

AIDS (London, England)

Camlin CS, Seeley J, Viljoen L, Vernooij E, Simwinga M, Reynolds L, Reis R, Plank R, Orne-Gliemann J, McGrath N, Larmarange J, Hoddinott G, Getahun M, Charlebois ED, Bond V

Patient-reported factors associated with reengagement among HIV-infected patients disengaged from care in East Africa.

AIDS (London, England)

Camlin CS, Neilands TB, Odeny TA, Lyamuya R, Nakiwogga-Muwanga A, Diero L, Bwana M, Braitstein P, Somi G, Kambugu A, Bukusi EA, Glidden DV, Wools-Kaloustian KK, Wenger M, Geng EH, East Africa International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS (EA-IeDEA) Consortium

"How can I tell?" Consequences of HIV status disclosure among couples in eastern African communities in the context of an ongoing HIV "test-and-treat" trial.

AIDS care

Maeri I, El Ayadi A, Getahun M, Charlebois E, Akatukwasa C, Tumwebaze D, Itiakorit H, Owino L, Kwarisiima D, Ssemmondo E, Sang N, Kabami J, Clark TD, Petersen M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya M, Havlir D, Camlin CS, SEARCH Collaboration

Expectations about future health and longevity in Kenyan and Ugandan communities receiving a universal test-and-treat intervention in the SEARCH trial.

AIDS care

Thirumurthy H, Jakubowski A, Camlin C, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Elly A, Mwai D, Clark T, Cohen C, Bukusi E, Kamya M, Petersen M, Havlir D, Charlebois ED

Men "missing" from population-based HIV testing: insights from qualitative research.

AIDS care

Camlin CS, Ssemmondo E, Chamie G, El Ayadi AM, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Kabami J, Charlebois E, Petersen M, Clark TD, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, R Kamya M, Havlir D, SEARCH Collaboration

Transactional Fish-for-Sex Relationships Amid Declining Fish Access in Kenya.

World Development

Kathryn J. Fiorella, Carol S. Camlin, Charles R. Salmen, Ruth Omondi, Matthew D. Hickey, Dan O. Omollo, Erin M. Milner, Elizabeth A. Bukusi, Lia C.H. Fernald, Justin S. Brashares

Intimate partner violence and forced migration during pregnancy: Structural constraints to women's agency

Global Public Health

Turan JM, Hatcher AM, Romito P, Mangone E, Durojaiye M, Odero M, Camlin CS.

Intimate partner violence and forced migration during pregnancy: Structural constraints to women's agency.

Global Public Health

Turan JM, Hatcher AM, Romito P, Mangone E, Durojaiye M, Odero M, Camlin CS

Natural Resources and Food Security: Fish-for-Sex Relationships Around Lake Victoria, Kenya.

The FASEB Journal

Kathryn Fiorella, Carol Camlin, Charles Salmen, Ruth Omondi, Matthew Hickey, Dan Omollo, Erin Milner, Justin Brashares

Evidence of injection drug use in Kisumu, Kenya: Implications for HIV prevention.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Syvertsen JL, Agot K, Ohaga S, Strathdee SA, Camlin CS, Omanga E, Odonde P, Rota G, Akoth K, Peng J, Wagner KD

Transactional Fish-for-Sex Relationships Amid Declining Fish Access in Kenya

World Development

Fiorella K.J., Camlin, C.S, Salmen C.R., Omondi R., Hickey M.D., Omollo D.O., Bukusi E.A., Fernald L.H., Brashares J.S.

Gendered Patterns of Migration in Rural South Africa.

Population, space and place

Camlin CS, Snow RC, Hosegood V

Predictors of extra-marital partnerships among women married to fishermen along Lake Victoria in Kisumu County, Kenya.

PloS one

Kwena Z, Mwanzo I, Shisanya C, Camlin C, Turan J, Achiro L, Bukusi E

"She mixes her business": HIV transmission and acquisition risks among female migrants in western Kenya.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Camlin CS, Kwena ZA, Dworkin SL, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA

Jaboya vs. jakambi: Status, negotiation, and HIV risks among female migrants in the "sex for fish" economy in Nyanza Province, Kenya.

AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education

Camlin CS, Kwena ZA, Dworkin SL

Nonatonic obstetric haemorrhage: effectiveness of the nonpneumatic antishock garment in egypt.

ISRN obstetrics and gynecology

Fathalla MM, Youssif MM, Meyer C, Camlin C, Turan J, Morris J, Butrick E, Miller S

The non-pneumatic anti-shock garment for postpartum haemorrhage in nigeria.

African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health

O Ojengbede, H Galadanci, IO Morhason-Bello, D Nsima, C Camlin, JL Morris, E Butrick, C Meyer, Aminu I Mohammed, S Miller

Treating uterine atony with the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment in Egypt.

African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health

Jessica Morris, Carinne Meyer, Suellen Miller, Mohamed MF Fathalla, Tarek K Al-Hussaini, Mohammed M Youssif, Carol Camlin

Positive effects of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment on delays in accessing care for postpartum and postabortion hemorrhage in Egypt and Nigeria.

Journal of women's health (2002)

Turan J, Ojengbede O, Fathalla M, Mourad-Youssif M, Morhason-Bello IO, Nsima D, Morris J, Butrick E, Martin H, Camlin C, Miller S

Assessing the role of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment in reducing mortality from postpartum hemorrhage in Nigeria.

Gynecologic and obstetric investigation

Ojengbede OA, Morhason-Bello IO, Galadanci H, Meyer C, Nsima D, Camlin C, Butrick E, Miller S

Obstetric hemorrhage and shock management: using the low technology Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment in Nigerian and Egyptian tertiary care facilities.

BMC pregnancy and childbirth

Miller S, Fathalla MM, Ojengbede OA, Camlin C, Mourad-Youssif M, Morhason-Bello IO, Galadanci H, Nsima D, Butrick E, Al Hussaini T, Turan J, Meyer C, Martin H, Mohammed AI

Can the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) reduce adverse maternal outcomes from postpartum hemorrhage? Evidence from Egypt and Nigeria.

Reproductive health

Mourad-Youssif M, Ojengbede OA, Meyer CD, Fathalla M, Morhason-Bello IO, Galadanci H, Camlin C, Nsima D, Al Hussaini T, Butrick E, Miller S

Gender, migration and HIV in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

PloS one

Camlin CS, Hosegood V, Newell ML, McGrath N, Bärnighausen T, Snow RC

A comparative study of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment for the treatment of obstetric hemorrhage in Egypt.

International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Miller S, Fathalla MM, Youssif MM, Turan J, Camlin C, Al-Hussaini TK, Butrick E, Meyer C

O614 Non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) reduces extreme adverse outcomes from obstetric hemorrhage and shock in Egyptian hospitals.

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics

S. Miller, M. Mourad-Youssif, M. Fathalla, T. Al-Hussaini, C. Meyer, C. Camlin, E. Butrick, S. Ismail

O641 Treatment with non-pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) improves outcomes for women with PPH/uterine atony in Egyptian referral facilities.

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics

M. Mourad-Youssif, M. Fathalla, T. Al-Hussaini, H. Martin, J. Turan, R. Mitchell, C. Camlin, S. Miller

Parental investment, club membership, and youth sexual risk behavior in Cape Town.

Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education

Camlin CS, Snow RC

The Measure of Induced Abortion Levels in Mexico Using Random Response Technique.

Sociological Methods & Research

Diana Lara, Sandra G. García, Charlotte Ellertson, Carol Camlin, Javier Suárez

Fertility trend and pattern in a rural area of South Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS.

African journal of reproductive health

Camlin CS, Garenne M, Moultrie TA

Does knowing someone with AIDS affect condom use? An analysis from South Africa.

AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education

Camlin CS, Chimbwete CE

The Effects of Stress on Job Functioning of Military Men and Women.

Armed forces and society

Bray RM, Camlin CS, Fairbank JA, Dunteman GH, Wheeless SC

Substance use and risky sexual behavior among homeless and runaway youth.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Bailey SL, Camlin CS, Ennett ST