The Distribution of APOL1 Risk Variants and Their Association with CKD in Rural East Africa: The SEARCH-CKD Study.

Anthony N. Muiru, Assurah W. Elly, Jane Kabami, Mucunguzi Atukunda, Wendy Chan, Jennifer Puck, Edwin Charlebois, Diane Havlir, Moses Kamya, Michelle M. Estrella, Chi-yuan Hsu. The Distribution of APOL1 Risk Variants and Their Association with CKD in Rural East Africa: The SEARCH-CKD Study. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2020 Oct 1; 31(10S):518-518.


Anthony N. Muiru, Assurah W. Elly, Jane Kabami, Mucunguzi Atukunda, Wendy Chan, Jennifer Puck, Edwin Charlebois, Diane Havlir, Moses Kamya, Michelle M. Estrella, Chi-yuan Hsu